Samuel, 15

Samuel is a vibrant individual who describes himself as funny, extroverted, and athletic. His interests range from playing soccer and video games to enjoying rap music and hanging out with friends. Tacos and pizza are his favorite foods, and he has a particular fondness for Fifa when it comes to video games.

Residing in a home with both parents, three older siblings, and a younger sister, Samuel's family feels secure in their community. However, living in close quarters, there have been witnessed instances of domestic violence and arguments, contributing to a challenging environment.

Despite his engaging personality, Samuel faces behavioral challenges. Recognizing the need for positive influence and guidance, Samuel expresses a desire for a mentor who can offer support, motivation, and valuable life advice.

A mentor can play a crucial role in Samuel's life by providing a trustworthy and supportive relationship. Beyond guidance, a mentor can help him explore different ways to cope with stressors, fostering personal growth and positive choices. With the support of a mentor, Samuel can navigate challenges, improve his behavior, and find motivation to engage more positively in both school and family life.

Eunice Navarro